PHP 8.0: Object Initializer Proposal

In this article, we’re gonna demystify RFC: Object Initializer which was proposed by me up for discussion on PHP Internals.


The motivation behind Object Initializer RFC was dictated by a large number of repetitions when creating simple objects like DTO and a lot of noise appearing by constantly repeating object instance variable name in statements which tends to assign public properties only.

Current PHP language state

Let’s have a look at the following example which uses typed properties:

class Customer
    public string $firstname;
    public string $surname;
    public string $phoneNo;
    public string $emailAddress;
    public DateTimeImmutable $dateOfBirth;

Above example represents Customer DTO and to create an instance of Customer and initialize all properties values we need to make few statements to property initialize object.

$customer = new Customer();
$customer->firstname = "John";
$customer->surname = "Doe";
$customer->phoneNo = "+1 (555) 333 222";
$customer->emailAddress = "";
$customer->dateOfBirth = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", "1983-01-01");

As we all can observe in above snippet there are many repetitions of $customer-> part. This also requires to instantiate an object first which is in the invalid state from the beginning. Why? Cause our properties are typed and not accepting null values which mean their default value cannot be null like in non-typed properties. This requires 6 statements, one for instantiation and 5 for properties initialization.

In current PHP version, we’ll have to write all property assignment statements as a separate right after object instantiation and the only reason for that is a verbose language which lacks any construct reducing that boilerplate.

Right now this is a responsibility of the programmer to initialize that kind of object properly. There is no support from PHP language which tells programmer:

Hey, you’ve created an object of class Foo and you’re missing bar and baz properties values!

What is the cure?

The Object Initializer is basically a simplification of object instantiation and properties initialization. This means that Object Initializer itself creates an instance of a class and right after that assigns all visible and required properties values.

With a proposed solution we’ll be notified by proper RuntimeException that we’ve not fulfilled all class properties needs.

$customer = new Customer {
    firstname = "John",
    surname = "Doe",
    phoneNo = "+1 (555) 333 222",
    emailAddress = "",
    dateOfBirth = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", "1983-01-01")

Above snippet shows the more or less equivalent of the previous example with repetitions.

Why less? Well, it ensures that after the given expression evaluates (which is one expression) resulting Customer object is in the right state and all properties which require values are filled.

Let’s take a look at what happens in details under the hood:

  1. it creates Customer class instance calling zero-args constructor - the restriction on constructor says there must not be any required arguments which have no default value;
  2. it assigns all listed properties with values standing on the opposite side of = assign operator.

The order of calling constructor before or after object initialization was discussed and calling constructor after initialization is just unusual to most of the programming languages.

The feature is known in other programming languages like Java and C# and the order of calling constructor there is the same.

The restriction put on Object Initializer requires to initialize all properties which are required and don’t have a default value. In other words, if a property is untyped (there is no type declared within the property) it’s default value would be null, but if the same property has a type declaration and doesn’t accept null as a proper value, it has to be initialized through Object Initializer.

In general, The Object Initializer works with public properties cause we often use instantiation and initialization in the outer scope of class which is used.

But, as noted earlier it is a simplification over separate statements which assign values, so it is possible to initialize “visible” properties. This means if used from class scope we can initialize all properties which implementing class has access to either protected or private.

The syntax is directly borrowed from other referencing programming languages. For arrays, it is square brackets but for objects, it was natural to choose curly braces.

There was a question on PHP Internals about assign token used either it should be a single equal sign = as it is already used to initialize property values in assign statement or it should be double arrow => used in arrays syntax. That question will be taken up for additional voting.


Opinions differ in reception. There is support in favour of accepting this feature but there were also some comments mostly objecting the Object Initializer in favour of:

They’re both good when the number of arguments in the constructor is limited but potentially will increase the noise introduced when used in simple “structs” like objects known as DTO’s.

Object Initializer tries to solve the issue of instantiating and initializing properties values were protecting them from change is not a real requirement. In objects which only transfers data, these are just typed containers for a bunch of values and the only requirement for them is type safety. This can be assured in different manners either it is a simple scalar value or specified VO which ensures data correctness.

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